Shinmura Classes
Fundamental Youth (ages 6-12) | 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Recreational Adults (ages 13+) | 6:00 – 7:15 PM
Pre-Competitive Youth (ages 9-12) | 7:00 – 8:15 PM
Competitive Judo (ages 13+) | 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Kata & Grading (ages 13+) | 7:15 PM – 9:00 PM
Fundamental Judo Parent & Child (ages under 8) | 5:15 PM – 5:55 PM
The ages and belts are guidelines. The technical director will assign you to the best suited for you. Contact us if you are unsure of which class is best for you!
Each student must purchase a Judo uniform or “judogi”. New judogi's may be purchased at a discounted rate through the club, during the registration process. Click here to learn more about judogis.
All participants MUST register for classes through the YMCA Activity Guide.

Shinmura Judo @ YMCA Fees Details:
​Annual Club Fees:​
Shinmura Judo Club Fees:
$100 Annual Fee-Recommended for the season, or
$50 Annual Fee for FUNdamental Judo - Parent & Child Class, or
$50 per semester (fall, winter, summer/spring)
*Families paying annual club fees will enjoy the following discounts*
2 family members pay $150 ($50 savings)
3+ family members pay $200 ($100+ savings)
*Dual sport (Judo & Judokat weightlifting) qualify for 50% discount on club fees*
Club fees for Shinmura Judo are exceptional when compared to many other sports. Here's why:
We are affiliated with the YMCA of Regina where we are provided with space to run classes.
We are run by volunteers and have no paid coaches. Many members donate their time and expertise to make our clubs successful!
Club Fees Include:
Professional and Certified Coaching
Belt Gradings
Entry Fee for Judo Saskatchewan Provincial Championships
Financial assistance for Judo Saskatchewan Camps
Financial assistance elite competitors selected to national events
Club Social Events
Do NOT Include:
YMCA Membership
Judogi (uniform)
Judo Saskatchewan/Judo Canada Membership & Insurance
Judo Saskatchewan/Judo Canada Membership Information
Membership in Judo Saskatchewan is mandatory for everybody training at Shinmura Judo. Judo Saskatchewan is the provincial organization responsible for promoting and developing Judo in the province. Membership provides substantial benefits such as supplemental insurance against any injuries resulting from Judo training. It also supports seminars, referee training, provincial team development, and other activities that strengthen the future of Judo in Saskatchewan.
To register for Judo Saskatchewan/Judo Canada CLICK HERE TO REGISTER . The Judo Saskatchewan/Canada membership fees are as follows:
U8 to U14 – $60.00 (MUDANSHA (colour belts)
U16 to 21+ – $65.00 (MUDANSHA (colour belts)
Black Belts – $45.00
​IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEW MEMBERS: When selecting Membership type (Judo Saskatchewan), ensure you select MUDANSHA (colour belts).